This page will give you info on Veterinarians, Foods, Training info ect.....
Vital Signs
Normal Temp. | Normal Heart Rates | Normal Breathing Rates | |
Dogs | 101 - 102.5 F | 70 - 160 beats/min | 10-30 breaths/min |
Cats | 101 - 102.5 F | 160 - 240 beats/min | 20-30 breaths/min |
To check vital signs:
- Don't assume pet won't bite or scratch.
- Use rectal, not oral, thermometers. Newer human digital thermometers are best.
- Check heart rate by placing your hand over animal's chest, just behind elbow.
- Measure breathing rate by observing animal's sides or by holding your wet finger in front of the nose.
- Measure both rates for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to get the rate per minute.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: car accident, animal fight, fall, clotting problem, rat poisoning, severe wound.
Bleeding from an artery is an immediately life–threatening situation. Arterial blood is bright red, bleeds in spurts, is difficult to stop and requires immediate veterinary attention.
For any type of external bleeding, place a clean cloth or sterile gauze over the injured area. Apply direct pressure for at least 5-7 minutes to stop bleeding.
Do not apply a tourniquet unless absolutely necessary.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: poisoning, abdominal injury, motion sickness, disease, overeating, fear, brain injury, parasites.
Examine vomit for blood or other clues as to cause. Bring a sample of the vomit to veterinarian .
If your pet may have eaten something poisonous, bring a sample of the suspected poison (preferably in its original packaging) to the veterinarian.
Do not offer any food or water until a veterinarian has been contacted.
Abdominal pain, enlarged stomach and dry heaves are serious signs. Call veterinarian immediately.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: excessive heat and/or lack of shade, heavy exertion, lack of water (animals differ in how much heat they can tolerate; even mildly warm, humid temperatures can stress some pets).
Place pet in cool or shaded area. Immediately bathe with tepid - not cold - water. Do not leave pet unattended while soaking, even if awake.
Monitor rectal temperature. When temperature drops to 103, dry pet. Do not allow it to become excessively chilled.
Continue checking temperature and transport to clinic.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: broken limb or toe, arthritis, injury to footpad, dislocation, sprain, muscle soreness.
If a fracture is suspected, gently stabilize limb for transport. See "Handling and transporting tips."
Cover any wounds with a clean cloth.
Bee or wasp sting
For bee stings, apply baking soda and water paste. For wasp stings, apply vinegar or lemon juice.
Apply cold pack, and follow with calamine or antihistamine cream.
In case of severe swelling or difficulty breathing, take to clinic immediately.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: foreign object--needle, bone, food, plant material - lodged in throat, windpipe or teeth; allergic reaction.
Gently pull tongue forward and inspect mouth and throat. Stop if pet is not cooperative.
If you see a foreign object, hold the mouth open and attempt to remove it by hand, or with tweezers or small pliers. Take care not to push the object farther down the throat.
Again, stop if pet is not cooperative.
If animal is not breathing, see "CPR."
POSSIBLE CAUSES: drowning, electrocution, trauma, drug ingestion.
In case of drowning, remove fluid from lungs by lifting animal's hindquarters high over its head and squeezing chest firmly until fluid stops coming out.
In case of electrical shock, DO NOT touch pet until it is no longer in contact with the electricity source.
If an object is blocking animal's windpipe, it will need to be gently removed. See "Choking."
If animal is not breathing and has no heartbeat, start CPR.
Lay animal on side and remove any objects from windpipe: open mouth, pull tongue forward, extend neck and sweep mouth with your finger.
If windpipe and mouth are clear, extend neck, hold tongue out of mouth and close animal's jaws over tongue.
Holding jaws closed, breathe into both nostrils for 5 to 6 breaths. If there is no response, continue artificial breathing.
- Over 60 lbs.=12 breaths/min
- 11-60 lbs.=16-20 breaths/min
- 1-10 lbs.=30+ breaths/min
If there is no heartbeat, begin heart compressions. Depress chest 1.5 to 3 inches with one or two hands. Continue artificial breathing.
- Over 60 lbs.=60 times/min
- 11-60 lbs.=80-100 times/min
- 5-10 lbs.=120-140 times/min
If your pet weighs 5 lbs. or less, place hands around rib cage and apply heart massage.
Handling and transporting tips
Don't try to comfort an injured pet by hugging it. Don't put your face near its head.
Muzzle dogs if necessary with gauze, soft towel strips or stockings. Wrap cats or other small animals in a towel or blanket.
Don't attempt to lift or drag a large, injured dog. Instead, improvise a stretcher with a board, throw rug, child's toboggan, etc.
Before transport, try to stabilize injuries. Rolled magazines or newspapers can serve as splints. Pad the limb and splint generously with rolled cotton and gauze, or improvise with pillows, strips of blanket, towels, etc.
Helpful items to have on hand
- Gauze pads, gauze rolls, rolled cotton and veterinary self-adhesive elastic wrap
- Calamine lotion and petroleum jelly
- Thermometer
- Blunt-end scissors, to cut bandages or cut fur away from a wound
- Tweezers and pliers
- Antibiotic cream and antiseptic solution
- Extra blankets, towels and pillows
- Eyedropper
- Tube socks for slipping over an injured paw
- Transport aids, like crates and carryalls. A child's plastic toboggan or flat piece of board can be used to carry a larger dog.
- Cotton swab sticks
Forest South Animal Hospital
24341 Western Ave.
University Park, IL
800-358-2773 (open weekdays till 8:00, Sundays 10- noon, No appt. needed)
Calumet Emergency Clinic 865-0970
216 W. Lincoln Hwy
Schererville, IN
ASPCA 24 hr Emergency Veterinary Poison Hotline
North Shore Animal League of America Animal Poison Hotline
Dr. Rick Davis: 219-866-8854

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