Brags & Boasts
Please email me any updates you have on new titles or achievments you and any of your dogs have accomplished. They will be posted here with pride!
Good for You!!!!!
Laurie and Ralphie: TDIA
Edna and Esa..............4th leg and CD title at the Lake Shore Kennel Club Nov. 20 &21.
Lori and Yasso.........1st and 2nd leg at the Lake Shore Show Nov. 20 & 21.
Laurie and Ralphie..........2nd Place, 2nd Place at the Logansport BOB match.
Edna and Esa vom Haus Tatum: ... TWO 1st placings at the Logansport BOB match!
Jim and Bear vom Haus Tatum:.... Great Obed. score of 90 at the Fall Brawl Saturday Match!
Brittney and Snoopy did a great job on the score board at the Fall Brawl!
Edna and Esa : 2nd place and two legs at the Fall Cluster OB trial in Indianapolis on Sept. 25 & 26th.

Brittney Tatum...... Oktober Vom Haus Tatum (GSD) CGC, TDI, 6 X overall 4-H High Scoring Dog, 4-H Obedience Champion, 4-H Showmanship Champion, 4-H Brace Team CH.
Laurie Wornhoff ..........Ralphie ( Bouvier) CGC, TDI, TT.
Lori Tatum.........Bric Zlatin Dvor (GSD) CGC, TDI, TT, BH, WH, SchH2. ofa-good
Lori Tatum......... Yasso Vom Arolser Holz (GSD) CGC, TDI, TT, BH, AD, ofa-excellent, 3rd Place Iron Dog 2004
Julie Rosinko.......Buckwheat Vom Haus Tatum, (GSD) CGC, TDI, TT, Iron Dog Participant 2003, 3rd place Iron Dog 2004. ofa-good
Deb DeFrank........ Tatiana Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, SchH3, FH, ofa-good
Jeff Alberts............Zito Vom Haus Tatum (KIKO) (GSD) CGC, TD, TT, pro-sport rodeo, ofa-excellent
Pat Sawyer ..........Mesabrina Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, TT
Lori Tatum .........Munchie Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, BH, ofa-excellent, Wynona Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, TDI, TT, BH, ofa-good, Harmony Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, BH, ofa-good, Freja Vom Haus Kuhn, CGC, BH
Dwayne, Jill, and Kevin Parkinson...Zena, CGC, TT, Iron Dog, Iva Vom Haus Taum, Iron Dog
Deanna Lugo ...........Nakita Vom Berental, BH, ofa-good
Brittney Tatum ..... Drago Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, BH, 4H-Champion ofa-good, Iron Dog 2004.
Brittney Tatum........Trista Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, TDI, TT, BH, ofa-good
Rob and Kelly Motta.......Pike Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, TT, BH, Iron Dog, Xaney Vom Haus Tatum, CGC, BH, TT, Iron dog.
Jeff Alberts: Dea Do-Little, CGC, Iron Dog 3rd place.
Nick Cahill..... Quickie (Tonnie) Vom Haus Tatum, 1st place Iron Dog 2004!
Bobbie Vaux........Chipawa Vom Haus Tatum, Iron Dog "04".
Brett Vaux.........Yetta Vom Haus Tatum, Iron Dog "06"
Jim Kelly......... Bear Vom Haus Tatum, CD title and High Score Nov. A at the Internationals in Chicago. 3/27/05
Sandy........D'Anja Vom Haus Tatum, SchH1, just achieved her FH 10/05.